Serena Nangia

Serena Nangia

Marketing & Communications Manager for Project HEAL

Pronouns: (she/her)


Serena believes that activism for social justice is crucial to making the eating disorder world more accessible and redefining what a person with an eating disorder looks and acts like (the thin, white, female stereotype is so outdated!). Serena is the older sister of an eating disorder survivor who struggled for over a decade, despite her outward “healthy” appearance, scholarly successes, and flourishing social life. Serena is also a self-identifying Fat person and knows first-hand the difficulties that under-represented folks face in getting access to treatment and equitable healthcare. In order to combat the fatphobic and archaic systems preventing folks from getting the care they need, Serena became deeply involved in the eating disorder community and actively works to elevate diverse voices of People of Color and Fat people.

Serena has been working as an advocate for eating disorder recovery for over 8 years, since she was 15 years old. As a freshman in college in 2017, Serena began using her passion and personal experiences to raise awareness about eating disorders and start the first collegiate program of REbeL, a peer-education organization that addresses disordered eating and body image issues. Previous to joining Project HEAL, Serena worked in various marketing roles for a recovery coach, multiple international non-profits, and an eating disorder treatment center. She continues to play an active role in the community by regularly leading workshops on the issues of Fatphobia, weight stigma, and inclusivity regarding eating disorder representation.

Serena holds a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies with a minor in Spanish Language from American University in Washington, DC. Originally from Kansas City, Serena is now a resident of Colorado Springs, Colorado, and is a proud sister of triplet siblings and daughter of immigrants. She is also grateful and happy to say that her sister is now in long-term recovery from her eating disorder and shares her story publicly. Serena’s favorite ice cream flavor is cake batter.



Mental Note Podcast


Educational Resources