Borderline Personality Disorder and Biotemperament

Jan 27, 2023 | 9:30am - 11:00am MST
Not available for CE credit

Biotemperament is the biological bases of emotions that impacts how we perceive the world and how we regulate our emotions. This presentation will examine how biotemperament impacts behaviors and emotional response patterns in individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). Dr. Ellen Astrachan-Fletcher, expert on RO-DBT, will discuss overcontrolled (OC) and undercontrolled (UC) response patterns as well as treatment perspectives for each biotemperament.  Attendees will learn skills to address UC and OC presentations in their BPD patients.    

Educational Objectives:

Following this presentation, participants will be able to… 

  • Define traits of UC and OC  
  • Describe UC and OC response patterns in individuals who have been diagnosed with BPD  
  • Practice interventions for UC and OC individuals who have been diagnosed with BPD.