Predictors of treatment outcome in higher levels of care among a large sample of adolescents with heterogeneous eating disorders
Predictors of treatment outcome in higher levels of care among a large sample of adolescents with heterogeneous eating disorders
Are Suicide-Specific Interventions Required to Reduce Suicidal Ideation? An Empirical Examination in a Clinical Sample of Eating-Disorder Participants
Weight gain and eating disorder symptoms among individuals with atypical anorexia nervosa
Comparing eating disorder treatment outcomes of transgender and gender diverse adolescents with those of cisgender adolescents
Eating disorder virtual intensive outpatient program: patient satisfaction according to age group
An examination of adults with atypical anorexia nervosa at admission to treatment at higher levels of care: An attempt to increase diagnostic clarity
Weight gain in anorexia nervosa across age groups in higher levels of care
"Terminal anorexia nervosa" may not be terminal: An empirical evaluation
An open trial for adults in a residential program for binge eating spectrum disorders
A brief examination of treatment outcomes in higher levels of care for individuals with eating disorders across age groups
Characterising use of recovery record among a large, transdiagnostic sample of adults with eating disorders across higher levels of care
Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire: Norms for Adults in Higher Levels of Care
Empirical Investigation of Different Factor Structures for the Eating Disorder Examination–Questionnaire in Adult Women With Anorexia Nervosa
A descriptive study of treatment-seeking adults with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder at residential and inpatient levels of care
Involuntary treatment: A qualitative study from the perspectives of individuals with anorexia nervosa
Expressed emotion and treatment outcome in higher levels of care for eating disorders
Causes of death in patients with a history of severe anorexia nervosa
Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder and suicidal ideation
Care utilization in eating disorders: for whom are multiple episodes of care more likely?
Family-Empowered Treatment in Higher Levels of Care for Adolescent Eating Disorders: The Role of the Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Comparing eating disorder treatment outcomes of transgender and nonbinary individuals with cisgender individuals
Eating disorder behaviors as predictors of suicidal ideation among people with an eating disorder
Treatment Outcome for Adults in a Residential Program for Binge Eating Spectrum Disorders: Protocol for a Prospective Pragmatic Single-Arm Trial
Adverse childhood experiences among adults with eating disorders: comparison to a nationally representative sample and identification of trauma profiles
Understanding non-routine discharge: Factors that are associated with premature termination from higher levels of care in adults with anorexia nervosa
Adverse childhood experiences among a treatment-seeking sample of adults with eating disorders
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