Ellen Brandenburg, LCSW-C

Ellen Brandenburg, LCSW-C

Primary Therapist


Ellen Brandenburg is a Primary Therapist at Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center in Maryland. Her specialties include treating adolescents with mental and behavioral health needs using varied evidence-based treatment methods. Her background encompasses working in residential, community, and outpatient care settings in the United States and abroad. As a clinician, Ellen uses an open yet dynamic approach that is both person-centered and growth-driven, utilizing behavioral principles. In addition to the classical behavioral interventions (CBT, DBT, and ACT), she holds a particular interest in treating both OCD and PTSD. To further this, Ellen is gaining the necessary training and consultation to become a cognitive processing therapy (CPT) provider. Outside of working within Pathlight, she is gradually working towards becoming a DBT-certified clinician in an outpatient setting.

Ellen earned her Master of Social Work degree from the University of Maryland Baltimore, with a focus on clinical behavioral health.



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