Industry News

How To Decenter Alcohol From Your Social Life

Sober curiosity. Dry January. The start of the calendar year often sparks a time of reflection, and for some, an opportunity to cut back or eliminate…

Industry News

411 Teen on 88.9 WFSU-FM

In the 9/15/24 episode of 411 Teen (an NPR program), ERC Clinical Response Manager Meredith Nisbet-Croes and ERC alumni Melinda and Kelsey, discuss…

Media Coverage

Dealing with back-to-school anxiety

For some students, going back-to-school can produce feelings of stress and anxiety. In this KXAN segment, Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center Clinical…

Media Coverage

How teachers can protect their mental health

As teachers gear up to head back to their classrooms, many are faced with limited resources and student supports which can take a toll on their mental…

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