Mental Health Resource Guide

Mental health influences nearly every aspect of our lives, from how we think and feel to how we interact with others and handle daily challenges. In a world that can often be overwhelming, it’s important to know that you’re not alone — there are communities and resources available to help you navigate those everyday struggles.

Whether you’re seeking inspiration, coping strategies, or just a sense of connection, the resources in this guide are here to support you throughout your mental health journey.

Find the Best Resources for You

Each mental wellness journey is unique, so what you need might look different from what others need. We’ve gathered a wide variety of resources ranging in topics and support needs. Flip through to find the best options for you.

  • Stigma

    Mental health stigma can prevent people from seeking the help they need, leading to feelings of shame and isolation.

  • Support

    The link between social support and mental wellness is strong.

  • Mindfulness

    Mindfulness increases self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion.

  • Coping Skills

    Coping skills help regulate emotions, have effective communication, and navigate stress.

  • Resources

    A list of books, resources, and activities to try.

  • Helping a Loved One

    You can be an effective part of your loved one’s support system.

Understanding Mental Health Stigma

Mental health stigma often arises from a lack of understanding, misinformation, and long-standing cultural beliefs that unfairly associate mental health challenges with “weakness” or “failure.” This stigma can prevent people from seeking the help they need, leading to feelings of shame and isolation.

Challenging mental health stigma is crucial because it opens the door to more honest conversations, encourages early intervention, and promotes a culture of empathy and support. By addressing and dismantling these misconceptions, we can create a more inclusive society where everyone feels empowered to prioritize their mental well-being without fear of judgment.

Woman walking

Support Through Community Connection

When we’re surrounded by people who accept us fully for who we are, we’re more likely to feel supported, loved and valued. That’s one of the reasons such a strong link exists between community and mental health. Human beings tend to thrive when they’re in communities — and struggle more in isolation.

Increase your community by learning more about what type of community would be most helpful to you, joining a support group, or connecting with others online through platforms like Facebook or Instagram.

  • Pathlight Peer Support Groups

    Pathlight offers support groups for anxiety and mood disorders.

  • Adult ADHD and How to Get Things Done

    Therapist KC Davis speaks to her ADHD diagnosis and shares her favorite workarounds for completing what feel like impossible tasks.

  • Getting Feely — Embracing Emotions

    Hear from mental health advocate Nōn Wels about why empathetic communities play a crucial role in finding wholeness, love, and nourishment.

  • Loneliness Vs. Solitude - Is There A Difference?

    Take a deeper look at loneliness vs. solitude and how they affect our mental health.

  • Impact of Community on Mental Health (and How to Find Yours)

    Learn the five benefits of social connection, and resources to find support.

  • Only7Seconds: Resources

    Gain tools to address loneliness and live more connected.

  • 1N5: Resources

    Mental health tips, and crisis resources at your fingertips.

  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Resources

    Share your experiences, find support, and learn coping skills.

  • The Loveland Foundation: Resources

    Connection and healing created for communities of color, especially Black women and girls.

  • To Write Love on Her Arms: Resources

    Mental health skills that can bring you to a place of self-regulation.

  • Trans Lifeline: Resources

    Community support and resources created by trans people for trans people.

Practicing Mindfulness and Meditation

According to psychotherapist Dr. Russ Harris, mindfulness is simply "paying attention with openness, curiosity, flexibility, and kindness." Mindfulness can help us increase self-awareness and develop self-acceptance and self-compassion. Practicing mindfulness can be a powerful way to experience more balance, calm and peace. Mindfulness doesn’t mean we won’t experience any difficult emotions or thoughts, but it can help us be less reactive to these experiences – acting within our wisdom and values when moving through challenges.

Many of us think of mindfulness as the same as meditation. But that is actually not true. While meditation can be a great way to access mindfulness, you don’t have to use it in order to practice mindfulness. Allow yourself to pick the mindfulness or meditation practices that are most helpful to you.

sitting in park on bench
  • 3 Ways Mindfulness Supports Depression and Anxiety Recovery

    Gain lasting improvements in mental health by practicing mindfulness.

  • Urge Surfing

    A skill to move through urges for behaviors that are not serving us.

  • Leaves on a Stream

    A tip for noticing thoughts without attaching to them.

  • Four Square Breathing

    Use slow and measured breaths to relieve stress.

  • Loving Kindness Meditation

    Create a feeling of kindness and compassion for ourselves, and loved ones.

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation

    A body-based mindfulness exercise for relaxation.

Developing Coping Skills for Mental Health

Learning coping skills is an important part of developing and maintaining mental wellness. Coping skills can help us regulate our emotions, have effective communication with others, and navigate stressful situations. Whether you’re just starting out or need some refreshers, these resources can provide you some tips for where to start.

smelling flower
  • Mental Health Skills Building Series: Anxiety

    Tips for managing anxiety during the holidays.

  • Skills Building for Mental Health: Depression

    Tips for managing depression and seasonal affective disorder during the holidays.

  • Stress Awareness

    Learn helpful tools to manage stress in the moment.

  • The Difference Between Stress and Anxiety – And How to Cope

    Develop coping skills for both chronic stress and anxiety.

  • Does Nature Heal?

    A lived experience story about nature, self-awareness, mindfulness, connection, and healing.

  • 1N5 Resources: Self-Care

    Resources and tips for mindfulness, sleep, nutrition, and movement.

  • Only7Seconds: Notice. Stop. Reframe

    Your thoughts can be your greatest gift if you NOTICE. STOP. REFRAME. 

  • ADHD, Mood Disorders & Anxiety: 5 Ways to Manage Mood Swings

    Understand how ADHD can impact emotional regulation and learn tips for navigating and managing ADHD mood swings.

  • Feeling Stuck? How to Ask for Mental Health Support

    Learn more about common signs and symptoms of mental health conditions and how to know when it’s time to ask for help.

  • Waking Up With Anxiety? Here’s Why and What to Do

    Explore signs and symptoms of anxiety and discover practical strategies to help you manage and overcome it.

Apps to Download

  • Insight Timer — Guided meditations for sleep, anxiety, and stress.
  • I Am — Dailly affirmations to build self-love and self-confidence.

Activities to Try

Accounts to follow

Helping a Loved One

With possible changes in routine, extra social events, or additional stress, the holidays can be a triggering time for those with anxiety, depression, or trauma-related disorders. You may notice old or new symptoms popping up for your loved one and wonder what to do or how to help. When someone you love is suffering, you may feel lost, alone, or powerless. We have developed resources, recorded presentations and support groups designed to help you learn more about your loved one’s experiences, and how you can be an effective part of their support system. 
  • The Basics On Mood & Anxiety Disorders With Dr. Howard Weeks

    Hear common questions/answers about anxietyand mood disorders.

  • Family Involvement in Mental Health Treatment: Q&A

    How families can foster sustainable recovery.

  • Courageous Caregiving: Resiliency Tools for the Journey

    Skills to combat irritability, burnout, and loss of confidence in caregiving.
  • Exploring Parenting - Identifying Personal Blocks to Setting Boundaries

    Address barriers that impact your ability to set boundaries as a caregiver.

  • How to Support Your Child Through a Loss

    Tips for parents who are comforting a grieving child.

  • A Therapist Shares How to Talk About Suicide

    Tips for supporting a friend or family member you’re worried about.

Need More Support? Learn About Treatment Options.

When mood, anxiety or trauma-related disorders start to impact our day-to-day lives, and we’re unable to manage symptoms on our own or with outpatient care, it’s time to consider a little extra support. Pathlight Mood & Anxiety Center offers a full spectrum of mood, anxiety and trauma-related services for children, adolescents and adults of all genders. We are committed to an environment of cultural humility: grounded in a foundation of safety, mindfulness, and awareness to ensure the best environment for engagement, learning and recovery.

  • Treatment and Services for Children and Adolescents

    When your child is struggling with a mood and anxiety disorder, their pain is your pain. This experience can feel distressing, isolating and – at times – hopeless. Pathlight’s goal is to guide you and your child on a path to long-lasting change, healing, and life-changing recovery.
  • Treatment and Services for Adults

    Pathlight’s adult programming offers mood and anxiety disorder treatment for all genders ages 18 and older — bringing together a highly experienced, multidisciplinary team of experts to address the physical, psychological and social implications of these conditions.

Speak With a Mental Health Professional Today

Connect with an experienced mental health professional to understand how Pathlight can help you or your loved one. This conversation is free and there is no commitment required. We're here to help. Call us at 877-711-1878 or schedule a time to talk.

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